European VET Week

On 5-9 December 2016, the first European Vocational Skills Week took place with events in Brussels and hundreds of activities in Member States, EFTA and EU candidate countries organized at national, regional and local levels.
WSE President Hubert Romer and Norbert Schöbel of the EC, DG for Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion explain the importance of the work relation between the European Commission and WorldSkills Europe.
This first time, WorldSkills Europe was actively engaged in the programme on 8 and 9 December. During a panel discussion WorldSkills Champion Barthélémy Deutsch gave his inspiring view on the power of skills competitions and skills excellence. Besides that, during the Closing Ceremony, an overview of EuroSkills 2016 was presented to the particpants followed by the appreciation by EuroCommissioner Thyssen for Lisa Janisch.